I won't leave you (2)

"It's not your fault!" She hugged him. it's my fault. If I didn't want my freedom, I wouldn't have provoked Zhou chongguang.

Ye mu Yun reached out to hug her and sighed. "Xue 'er, how can you be blamed for this!"

"don't let your thoughts run wild, okay?" he rubbed her.

Xue 'er obediently stayed in his arms. After a while, she looked up at him and said in a soft voice, " you too.

These three words were salvation to him.

He looked at his little cutie, who was so sensible, and soothed the anxiety in his heart.

in the end, he hugged her and coaxed her to sleep. he didn't sleep the whole night.

when the sun rose, xue 'er opened her eyes and didn't see anyone. she immediately lifted the blanket and grabbed the alarm clock to check. it was already nine o' clock.

She ran down in her pajamas and asked Auntie li, " "brother, did you go to the company?"