mr. ye's new hobby (3)

auntie li was also happy. when she saw that the young girl didn't come downstairs for breakfast, she more or less understood that the young couple had slept a little late last night.

It wasn't that Auntie li was praising her family, but the young master's physical strength and fitness were really amazing!

it's, it's the legendary seven times a night!

auntie li thought happily, miss is really lucky. what's the use of a man just being good-looking? he's good looking but he's also useful. look at young master's heavenly appearance, his nose is straight, and one look and you can tell he's powerful. he's a man among men.

The consumption was too great, and he had to replenish it!

auntie li happily brought the soup over. although ye muyun felt that it wasn't scientific for breakfast to be so nutritious, it was still a kind gesture from the old man. he couldn't bear to reject her and drank it all in one go.