she can't take it if he gives it (2)

ye muyun looked at his mother. " mom, i'm engaged to her and i've slept with her. "

how to split it?

furthermore, he had never felt any sense of responsibility towards xue 'er. instead, it was a love that went deep into his bones.

Between Mumu and Xue 'er, he was more willing to choose Xue' er.

Because she was innocent, he would not ask Xue 'er to sacrifice her happiness for his sister.

He didn't consider himself, but stood in Xue 'er's position and thought about it.

to him, no matter what the outcome was, it would be a lifetime of sin that could not be redeemed.

however, he could choose to give his happiness to xue 'er. it would be fine as long as she was still happy by his side.

The night wind blew, messing up everyone's hearts.

ye muyun's voice was hoarse,"zhou chongguang would rather die than force me!" mom, are you forcing me to make a decision too?"

Ye Liangqiu almost lost her balance. Gu ze, who was beside her, held her.