I like her (1)

Qin Mu ignored him and took the elevator down.

Zhao Ziyi pushed the door open, and the aura of a man and a woman's eyes after their sex rushed out.

" did sister-in-law leave this behind? or did xue lin leave it behind? " he asked after a short pause.

zhou chongguang stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows and smoked. he reached out and pulled open the blinds, and the night view of b city appeared in front of him.

thousands of neon lights could not shine into his heart.

"both." Zhou chongguang's voice was a little dry as he turned around to look at Zhao Ziyi.

zhao ziyi was dumbfounded. what was this about yingluo?

"That's not right. With how much sister-in-law loves you, why didn't she kick up a fuss? Don't tell me you conquered her with your body?" Zhao Ziyi's face was filled with disbelief.