The story happens every day (3)

two days ago, she had hung up the house, but later on, she said that the house had been sold.

now, this house was already someone else's.

The chauffeur was Zhou chongguang's man, and he said congratulatory words, " "Madam, Mr. Zhou is waiting inside."

Qin Mu opened the car door and got out of the car. The moment she got out, the little angel fountain in the villa's garden turned on all the water. The water splashed in the sun with colorful spots. The little angel was even singing, looking especially happy.

At this moment, Qin Mu realized that the sun had come out, and the sky was blue.

in fact, the temperature was a little high and hot.

She slowly walked up the stairs to the place she was most familiar with and the place where her heart ached the most.