i didn't touch her (2)

he would only have such a passionate reaction when he was with her.

he even wanted to hug her and possess her.

Then, he carried her up and walked towards his room.

The program team's camera was quietly aimed at them.

He returned to the hotel room as fast as he could. The door was closed, and she was pressed behind the door and kissed.

the man, who had endured for eight years, could not be rejected. even when she cried and begged him not to, he did not let her go.

From the beginning to the end, Xue 'er didn't know what happened. She only knew that he kissed her, and her head was dizzy. After that, they had an intimate moment behind the door of the suite.

eight years had passed, and that feeling was even stronger than before.

he did not know if it was because he was getting older or because he had more experience, but he was completely different from eight years ago.

she bloomed in his arms and felt that she had finally become a woman.