Don't let her know about his perversion (3)

finally, her back was pressed against a wall. the cold wall woke her up temporarily. she opened her eyes and looked at his slightly twisted face.

he was angry!

was it because she mentioned song keren?

she was his own girlfriend, so why was he angry now?

so, she bit him unceremoniously. he retreated in pain, but his fingers were still holding her shoulder, unwilling to let go.

xue 'er's heart was beating rapidly as she pursed her lips and glared at him ...

Then, he slapped her.

The atmosphere was a little tense.

he did not expect her to hit him in such a situation. what gave her the courage to do this all these years?

ye mu yun's expression was very ugly, but he only glared at her and didn't do anything to her.

"i'm no longer the little girl you used to be. you can't kiss me whenever you want." "Also, what happened between you and song keren has nothing to do with me," she said coldly.