He made her cry (3)

he had asked the doctor about the medicine she prescribed. it was a long-term contraceptive and would not cause much damage to the body.

Of course, he had already changed the medicine.

his fingers gently caressed her delicate face. he was already secretly looking forward to her giving birth to a little girl as cute and awkward as her. he would definitely make up for these eight years on their child.

At that time, she would probably slowly forgive him!

after zhou chongguang lay down, he didn't feel too sleepy. he kept looking at qin mu's small face under the faint light.

it was as if he could never get tired of it.

Sometimes, people were like this. When they got something, they didn't know how to cherish it. Everything was taken for granted. When they lost it, they realized that it had become a habit of that person.

Luckily, they were not divorced yet. Luckily, she still had him in her heart.