The truth, slowly emerging (3)

Gu ze raised his head and smiled bitterly. yes, I can't do it!

perhaps he could do it in the past, but he could not do it now. he had given up on gu mei once and let her go to jail. he really could not do it again.

ye muyun also laid down and looked at the starry sky with gu ze. the two men suddenly looked at each other and smiled.

"Find a woman and get married!" ye mu yun patted his shoulder and stood up shakily.

He walked towards the exit, while Gu ze lay there without moving.

After a long time, he reached out and covered his face, his Adam's apple moving.

Below the building, ye Muyun walked out of the elevator with his jacket in his hand.

Standing under the building, he suddenly had a feeling of not knowing where to go.

he did not drive and continued to walk. unknowingly, he had arrived at the entrance of the GM hotel.

she had returned to B city and should have returned to the hotel by now.