Xue 'er's main wife and mistress (5)

Even if ye Muyun had guessed it, she didn't want him to hear it. That would be too cruel to him.

The elevator finally opened. She ran in, looking a little crazy.

the elevator went down floor by floor until it reached the first floor. xue 'er ran out, only wearing indoor slippers. she grabbed a hotel staff and asked anxiously, " "Which floor is the blue universe's press conference on?"

The hotel staff did not recognize her at first and was shocked. When they recognized her, they immediately said respectfully, " "I'll bring miss Tang over."

Xue 'er followed her and walked to the reception room on the first floor.

The staff opened the door for her, and when the door slowly opened, she saw Lan Yu.

lan yu also saw her.

xue 'er stood there, her body almost unable to move. she just stood there and looked at him.

Lan Yu's gaze had been on her nonchalantly the entire time. After a long time, he finally spoke softly, " my wife, Tang Xue 'er. She's also an N.