mrs. zhou, let's make a deal (part three)

he leaned on the bed, exhausted, but not in the mood to sleep.

he lowered his head and looked at the little girl in his arms. she was indeed still a little girl. she was only 22 years old. after being married for four years, she wanted a divorce. now, they could be considered to have made up, right?

Even though he had used some underhanded means.

but zhou chongguang had nothing to regret. after all, to him, fame and fortune had already arrived.

If she wanted to win Qin MU's heart, she had to let go of her hatred.

He chose to let it go because he didn't want to lose Qin Mu. In the past, he wasn't too insistent on taking revenge. However, he never thought that what he did for the past eight years was to win her back today.

It was a little expensive, but it was worth it.

zhou chongguang's eyes darkened, and his large palm gently stroked her waist-

there should be a child in this place.