he only wanted to protect her (part two)

The office door closed, and Gu ze bumped into his Secretary, Zheng Xinyi, at the door. She was holding a cup of coffee and looked like she was about to go in.

Gu ze's figure paused and he smiled very lightly. " secretary zheng, the president isn't in a good mood right now. i think it's better if you don't go in. "

zheng xinyi looked up and met gu ze's deep eyes. she smiled. " i think president ye needs a cup of coffee now. "

"It's no use!" Gu ze's tone became even more indifferent. all these years outside, do you know how many women are younger than you, more beautiful than you, and even have a much, much better family background than you? they threw themselves into CEO ye's arms, but CEO ye has never accepted Wanwan.

zheng xinyi's face was filled with embarrassment from being exposed, but she quickly retorted, " "That's because CEO ye hasn't given up yet! Now that Tang Xue 'er has a husband and a child, does CEO ye still need to keep her chastity for her?"