lan yu loves her (1)

No matter how unhappy little Yi Shu was, he was still pampered by boss ye.

in the evening, the red silk on little yi shu's body also slowly disappeared. under the doctor's repeated assurance, he then brought the two back to the villa.

little yi shu's mood was particularly low. xue 'er kept him company, and he forgot to go back to the hotel to get lan yu's things.

in the study on the second floor, ye muyun sat quietly with a cigarette in one hand and a document bag on the table in the other.

he had found these in the GM's hotel. he flipped through them, and there wasn't anything important inside. there was only a sketchbook, and other than yi shu, xue 'er was drawn on it. sometimes, the two of them drew together.

Ye Muyun gently caressed the lines. He didn't know much about painting but he could feel that the person who drew these paintings was full of feelings for the people in the paintings.

lan yu loved xue 'er, but she didn't know.