I'm scared, carry me (2)

She was getting hotter and she felt that he was kissing her more and more aggressively.

and they were kissing in little yi shu's room, and the lights were not turned off. even the soft panting sounds seemed so embarrassing.

She trembled uncontrollably, half out of fear and half out of excitement.

"Afraid?" his hot breath blew on her slender neck as he asked softly.

her consciousness sobered up a little and her voice trembled,"don't be in a daze."

"you don't like it when i kiss you?" his thin lips were pressed against the back of her ear. he felt that she was very hot, so he chuckled.

Xue 'er's eyes were filled with warmth, as if they were filled with water. She looked at him helplessly. I don't like it.

"your body is more honest than your little mouth." He laughed in a low voice, then kissed her little mouth from behind her ear. After a long sticky kiss, he looked up with a deep gaze."You little liar."

xue 'er shook her head wildly. " i didn't! "