Lan Yu awakens (1)

After a long time, ye mu Yun softly said,"take me to the hospital."

after a pause, she said, " i want to see him. "

"I'll make the arrangements." Gu ze nodded.

ye mu yun's eyes flickered slightly. when he looked outside again, he said very indifferently,"don't let xue 'er know."

Gu ze wanted to say something, but his phone rang. He immediately picked up the call. After listening to a few words, his expression was a little complicated.

After hanging up, his fingers gently played with his phone, his expression particularly complicated. Lan Yu has woken up. The director over there called mainly to ask CEO ye whether to let Lan Yu wake up or let him continue to sleep? "

Ye Muyun looked at Gu ze and said slowly, " let him wake up. Don't let Xue 'er know first.

he was already walking towards the door. " i'll go for a while. "

Gu ze nodded. He dialed the phone as he walked and ordered, " "Don't move first."