you can, beg me (3)

as they kissed, the tone changed, and the breath he exhaled became hotter and hotter, almost burning her.

Xue 'er also felt his eagerness. Her small hands wrapped around his neck as she said softly, " "Let's go back to the room, okay?"

" i'm worried about hanhan with yishu here, " he murmured in a low voice.

she was furious and hit him with her small hand. " ye mu yun, you bastard! "

was he going to do such a shameful thing in front of little yi shu?

she glared at him, but that little look was just a bluff.

Ye Muyun looked at the chubby little guy and continued to kiss the little person in his arms. His voice was extremely hoarse. Yishu Wanwan, I think it's necessary to give her an X education and correct her wrong perception.

Xue 'er almost exploded as she glared at him, " "You're shameless."

"i only want you!" His thin lips kissed her delicate neck and smiled.