she has regained her memories (4)

xue 'er's little face was extremely red, but she still looked at him with determination.

he too, had a burning gaze, so deep that it seemed like there was a flame dancing in the depths of his eyes.

she suddenly felt that her lips were a little dry, so she licked her lips. however, she did not know how tempting this action was. ye muyun reached out and pulled her into his arms. his voice was low and hoarse. " you don't need to beg wanwan. why do you need to beg? " hmm?"

his handsome face was getting closer and closer, and finally, he slowly kissed her.

Once again, the water and dew blended together, and the soul and body became one.

when it was over, xue 'er was so tired that she had fallen asleep, while he was so full of energy that he was about to get up when he saw a small person standing at the door.

she was still wearing only her swimming trunks. although yingying was a little unsightly because she was a little girl, she was still very adorable.