The female version of li zeyan is super cool (3)

The doctor leaned forward, his face very close to Lan Yu'S. He said word by word, " my name is Qin Chen! He's Ye mu Yun's youngest brother."

lan yu narrowed his eyes. only then did he remember that qin mu did have a younger twin brother called qin chen.

She didn't expect that the Qin family could raise a boy like this, who looked especially coquettish!

qin chen's face was still very close to his, so close that lan yu could see his beautiful eyelashes, long and curled, simply not like a man!

At this moment, he had an illusion that this man was trying to make him feel better!

to lan yu, this was very humiliating.

His Adam's apple moved and he said coldly, " "you're not gay, right?"

Mr. Lan, you're thinking too much. Even if I were to ask you to look like this, it's not within my consideration. So, please cooperate with the treatment. As for any other improper thoughts, don't think about it. Qin Chen's smile was a little detestable!