this body of fine skin and tender flesh (1)

At one o 'clock in the middle of the night, Qin Chen sat in the dark. He suddenly got up and walked straight to the door.

the door opened, and lan yu was still half-lying in the wheelchair, his face already looking very ugly.

Qin Chen stepped forward and immediately checked to see if there was any breathing. It was already very weak, and Lan Yu's body was very cold.

The weather was too cold.

If they called the ambulance now, Lan Yu Qianqian probably wouldn't be able to make it.

Qin Chen's thin lips were tightly pursed, and without hesitation, he directly carried Lan Yu! (f * ck, full of boyfriend power)

fortunately, lan yu had lost a lot of weight and was only about 110 centimeters tall. otherwise, qin chen wouldn't have been able to carry him.

he carried her straight to the master bedroom and connected the oxygen machine. qin chen had prepared it for himself and had never used it before.

he didn't expect to give it to lan yu for the first time.