The wedding (3)

The wedding was heartwarming and Grand. It was held in an ancient castle-like church.

Xue 'er was wearing a custom-made Dior wedding dress. She held ye Muyun's hand and slowly walked down the red carpet.

Their 'son', Yi Shu, was wearing a beige plaid suit. She was handsomely holding her mother's skirt and following behind her like a little follower.

on both sides, there were xue 'er's family and people she cared about, such as lan yu.

lan yu attended the wedding while standing. although standing for a long time would make his legs hurt, he still insisted on standing to attend his 'ex-wife's' wedding.

He thought that he still loved her even now.

He loved her as if he was a little sister. In the five years they had been together, he had also given her a lot of feelings. These complicated feelings made him give up on his sister, who he had once thought was the one he loved the most.

Lan Yu's pride made him unwilling to bind her and kidnap her with morality.