The most beautiful time (2)

"will your mother agree?" qin mu sighed.

"I'll convince her." He kissed the corner of her lips again. of course. I think three years is enough for us to have a child.

He didn't know why, but Zhou chongguang's consciousness strongly felt that he and Qin Mu would have a child.

he could feel it.

Of course, he didn't tell her that if his mother hadn't discovered Qin MU's illness, he would have said that it was his own problem. However, it was too late now.

Although Qin MU's conversation with him was like taking a calming pill, she also felt that her body's problems were not as easy as he said.

However, she did not ask further.

He was not willing to give up, so she was willing to cooperate and give him a child.

if they weren't fated to be together, she thought that they could adopt one or two children.

zhou chongguang put qin mu down, his voice hoarse. " "You go first, I'll wait for you outside."