Abort the child (part one)

qin mu didn't say anything. he probably felt that his tone was too strong, so he softened his voice. " we'll be fine. we'll have children. "

however, he might have said all this to convince himself that she would not leave him.

the doctor came over to check on qin mu again. he smiled and said, " we'll observe him for another night. If there's nothing else during the night, he can be discharged tomorrow morning.

Zhou chongguang nodded.

After the doctor left, he picked up the dinner that his family had sent over, opened it, and adjusted her bed.

because of her weak stomach, she ate very lightly. he scooped some porridge and brought it to her mouth, saying in a low voice, " "Mumu, eat something, okay?"

Qin Mu raised her eyes to look at him. She didn't torture her stomach just because she was angry with him, but she said indifferently, " "i'll eat it myself."

He didn't force her and silently passed the spoon to her.