mrs. ye's girlish feelings (1)

PEI garden. After Xue 'er got pregnant, she lived in PEI garden for a long time. She and ye mu Yun slept in the bedroom he used to live in.

but now, a lot of women's things had been moved in, unlike before when it was just a place for her to sleep at night. after all, a young lady sleeping with a man should be avoided.

But now, it was different. She could stay in his arms every day, and sometimes, she would even stay in his arms until noon before letting him go.

little yi shu also had his grandmother to take care of him, and xue 'er often thought happily that he was really lucky to get married.

Ye Muyun returned to the villa at six O 'clock. After having dinner together, they took a walk in the courtyard. When they returned to the bedroom to rest, it was already past eight o' clock.

Pregnant women always had a lot of sleep, and President ye had recently developed the habit of going to bed early.