gu mei is fake, but qin mu has committed suicide (2)

zhou chongguang didn't know how he drove to the hospital. his head was groggy, and his body felt like it was on fire. it was hot for a moment, and cold for another.

However, he couldn't care about all these. His mind was filled with: qin mu committed suicide.

As soon as the car stopped, Zhou chongguang jumped out of the car and quickly ran towards the elevator.

The elevator opened in front of him. When he entered, his heart was beating so fast that it felt like it was going to jump out.

he turned his head to the side and watched as the number continued to rise. when he reached the third floor, the elevator door opened and he quickly ran out.

when zhou chongguang walked into the emergency room, the white bed sheets were stained with blood. it was qin mu's blood.

She was lying quietly on the bed, her face pale and bloodless.

her arm was thin and wrapped in bandages, and the outermost gauze was still bleeding.