He still couldn't bear to see her unhappy (2)

qin mu just smiled. it was a very distant and polite smile. zhou chongguang thought that it was good that she could treat him with such an attitude. she did not fall out with him. however, the more polite she was, the more empty his heart felt.

The Qin Mu who would flare up at him, act coquettishly with him, and throw tantrums with him was gone.

he had lost her.

It wasn't until he walked out of the Starbucks and got into the car that he realized his back was covered in cold sweat.

zhou chongguang held his forehead and laughed softly.

it turned out that zhou chongguang could not be ruthless to qin mu. he could have brought her away, but not to the villa. instead, he would lock her up overseas for a year and a half, or even two years, until she got pregnant. or, if gu mei gave birth and he carried the child over, she might have liked it. or maybe if she didn't want a child, he would keep her locked up. her heart would eventually soften.