Postpartum depression, an act (2)

zhou chongguang had also slowly gotten used to this ex-sister-in-law's behavior. furthermore, he already felt guilty in his heart, so how would he dare to laugh at her?

only when qin chen came over to pick up the child did she say in a low voice, " "i saw mumu last night."

"Did she slap you?" Qin Chen laughed.

Zhou chongguang expressed that he could no longer communicate with her, so he shut up.

qin chen looked at little shui mu for a while, then suddenly said slowly, " "This child, Yingluo."

Zhou chongguang looked at her.

"He looks a little like Qin Mu!" Qin Chen frowned.

Zhou chongguang's mood lightened up. I think so too!

just as she was happy for a moment, qin chen poured a bucket of cold water on her. " "He looks more like Gu Mei. She gave birth to him!"

these words were like a knife, stabbing right into zhou chongguang's heart.