Qin Chen's past (2)

Although he said it so heartlessly, Zhou chongguang knew the pressure Qin Chen was under.

Shui MU's identity, Qin Chen's explanation to Qin Mu, and the success of the operation were all things Qin Chen had to bear, but he had never considered them.

Zhou chongguang looked at him and felt a little puzzled. Why would a person like Qin Chen, who was usually free and easy and had made himself look like a man, have such a soft heart?

"I'm a doctor!" Qin Chen smiled.

zhou chongguang also laughed.

"zhou chongguang, after you divorced qin mu, your iq was no longer online. it's easy to understand." Qin Chen didn't mind stabbing him.

zhou chongguang,"yingluo."

"go and rest. there will be professionals looking after the child. they are all professionals, and each of them is at the level of a surgical director in a big hospital. they will come to see you in twelve hours." Qin Chen's tone was indifferent.

zhou chongguang nodded and watched him leave.