if you dare to touch me, i'll sleep with gu ze (1)

qin mu didn't say anything more and just watched him eat indifferently.

Gu ze ate at a moderate pace, the kind that was just right.

When he was almost done eating, Qin Mu wanted to go over and pay the bill, but a large hand pressed down on the back of her hand.

she looked up.

"i'm just joking with you. why would i let you treat me?" He smiled, then got up and walked to the cashier.

Qin Mu didn't fight with him for it. He didn't care about the cost of a meal.

gu ze came back very quickly. he took his coat and put it on her shoulders. "I'll send you back!"

qin mu lowered his head and looked at the clothes on his body. he wanted to reject her instinctively, but he had already put an arm around her shoulder and walked towards the door. as they walked, he whispered, " "qin mu, this is a restaurant. give me some face!"

Qin Mu couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Why would I not want it?" He laughed along with her and helped her into the car.