Is he as good as I am?(3)

yes, " she said. Zhou chongguang, if you don't pester me, I probably won't do anything stupid. But if you continue to be like this, I'll really think that Gu ze is the best choice because you won't be able to pester me anymore, right?"

zhou chongguang laughed, then took a step forward.

and then, he fell down in front of her.

Qin Mu was shocked. There was still a difference between being drunk and unconscious.

for a moment, she really wanted to call gu mei and ask her to bring her man home. that way, she would definitely be very happy.

but when zhou chongguang wakes up, he'll probably be in a lot of pain!

she thought about it and decided not to. she called the hospital and got a doctor on duty to come over.

the doctor came very quickly, and he was well prepared. he even brought a nurse.