we've both lost (3)

Night bar.

zhou chongguang and zhao ziyi were sitting face to face. zhou chongguang was smoking and talking about what happened in new York in a very calm voice.

Zhao Ziyi had been listening very patiently, and when he finally finished, he smiled,"this is good."

He really hoped that Zhou chongguang could start over. Even if there was no love, he could still live a normal life for little Shui mu.

it was obvious that there was no more hope on qin mu's side.

It would be best if chongguang could let it go.

Zhou chongguang looked at Zhao Ziyi, smiled, and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

after drinking, he poured himself another cup. zhao ziyi couldn't help but say,"Take it easy, brother."

zhou chongguang smiled and didn't say anything. he just smoked quietly.

"are you still thinking about qin mu?" zhao ziyi's face came closer.

it was rare for zhou chongguang to make a joke, " "ziyi, do you want to?"