Qin Mu rejected Gu ze 2

His voice was more determined than ever, " " qin mu, i've wasted my entire life. do you hear me? "

She seemed to be a little surprised. She looked at him and forgot to close her mouth.

And he finally leaned forward and kissed her on the lips. Before she could react, he deepened and entangled her.

This kiss was lingering and very gentle. She did not give him a reaction, and he did not force her.

he was very gentle, just like how he had always treated her.

When he ended this kiss, Qin Mu looked at him. She didn't close her eyes.

"qin mu, i can wait." gu ze smiled.

She was sad. She didn't know if she remembered it wrong, but she also remembered someone telling her that he could wait. No matter how long it took, he would wait.

she cried, but she laughed as she cried and said, Gu ze, it's too hard to wait for someone. Don't wait anymore.

He didn't make a sound and only reached out to stroke her long hair.