are you very happy being mischievous for a while?(2)

Gu ze was in the kitchen. He cooked her porridge and ate a little before cleaning up the kitchen.

the kitchen was very clean, but there were traces of fire.

He knew that she liked to eat steamed buns at home these few days. Speaking of which, Qin Mu was a very homely woman. He didn't know why Zhou chongguang went out all the time back then.

If it was him, he would be at home with her every day.

he just didn't know if she would give him this chance. he had thought that she would choose him after having this child. most women would be fragile and dependent at this time.

However, Qin Mu wasn't like that. Her reliance on him also seemed a little helpless.

Most of their interactions came from him forcing her. She had no choice but to do this because she did not want to fall out with him.

When it came to feelings, he really couldn't tell.

Gu ze smiled helplessly. He scooped the porridge and brought it to the master bedroom after it cooled down.