Cohabitation (4)

Lan Yu kissed the corner of her lips. silly girl.

He hugged her and lay down quietly, not coming again.

even though his body was still warm, he knew that she needed to rest.

Hugging him like this, Qin Chen fell asleep in a short while. Lan Yu looked at her sleeping face for a long time.

the next morning, lan yu had to go to the company, but qin chen didn't wake up.

When she slept, she was very casual and seemed to like to lie down.

After making breakfast, he walked into the bedroom and bent down. He looked down at her and murmured, " "i'm going to work. breakfast is ready, just heat it up."

Qin Chen responded with a soft hum.

Lan Yu smiled and kissed her on the forehead. Then, he got up and wanted to leave, but his neck was hugged by a pair of slender arms. He lowered his head, and the person who was sleeping smiled gently and exhaled at him, " "Lan Yu Qianqian, I want you."

Lan Yu was stunned.