lan yu, you bastard (4)

after lin sisi left, lan yu started to call qin chen.

However, the phone rang again and again, but she did not pick up.

lan yu casually put on some clothes and walked to the entrance of the villa. he asked the guard, " "How did doctor Qin get here?"

" it's from a black rv, " the guard said carefully. " the rv left after dr. qin came. "

lan yu grabbed his hair and cursed in a low voice, " damn it!

He narrowed his eyes, went straight back to the villa to get his car keys, got into the car, and drove out.

the night was late.

Lan Yu drove the car and looked for her in the night.

with her personality, she probably needed to calm down at this time and wouldn't want to see anyone. she would also be proud and wouldn't want anyone to pick her up.

Qin Chen's tears were not something anyone could see.

He just knew that she would cry.

lin sisi's words kept on replaying in his mind.

Qin Chen had come so late because he wanted to make up.