you miss my body?(1)

qin chen looked at the " ma yinglong " and didn't explain anything. he just packed it up and took it away.

When she went to the night sky, Lan Yu had not arrived yet. She sat down and ordered two bottles of wine.

She rarely indulged herself and almost never drank, but she wanted to get drunk tonight.

when lan yu came over, qin chen was holding a cigarette in one hand and leaning lazily on the back of the chair. he had already finished half a bottle of wine.

beside him, there were two women who were dressed in revealing clothes, and they seemed to be trying to hit on him.

lan yu went over and sent them away, then sat opposite qin chen.

he also lit a cigarette and took a puff. " "Is there something you need?"

After he finished speaking, he said a little sarcastically,"shouldn't you be busy being sweet with your lover?" or is it rong lei who misses me again?"

qin chen didn't say anything and just poured him a glass of wine.