The one Qin Chen likes is blue Universe 2

Qin Chen was stunned.

she, yingluo, liked lan yu!

She had actually ignored it.

Was it because she enjoyed his love and care at that time, so she took it for granted?

Even if they were to break up, she would still throw a tantrum, thinking that he would never forget her. She thought that even if she didn't want him, he wouldn't be able to be with her and her cousin.

however, she had never thought about how much she liked lan yu for her to let go of that pain and be willing to be with him.

Qin Chen suddenly took two steps back, threw the clothes in his hand aside, and quickly walked out.

She walked straight to the elevator and went downstairs to the parking lot.

huang siya was stunned for a moment and quickly followed him, but she only had time to see qin chen's face disappear in the elevator.

huang siya had a feeling that qin chen went to find lan yu, yingying.

Was she thinking of returning to Lan Yu's side?