lan yu, i like you (3)

lan yu had also changed into a gown and walked slowly to her side.

He lowered his head and hugged her from behind, kissing her neck."You're so beautiful."

it was not because he loved her, but because she was really beautiful.

In the past, he had imagined her in women's clothes countless times in his mind, but she still broke through his imagination.

She was so beautiful that he felt suffocated and fascinated.

Qin Chen looked at himself in the mirror and gently stroked his head. He smiled. "you're also very handsome."

He continued to kiss her shoulder, unable to believe that God was so kind to him and had given her to him.

she had made such a choice, but he didn't have the courage to ask. he was afraid that once he asked, it would all be a bubble, a dream of his.

Qin Chen allowed him to kiss her.

she felt something wet and hot on her neck. was lan yu qianqian crying?

"let's take photos, okay?" she said softly, not daring to ask.