happy little bubbles (3)

he chuckled. " there won't be any more, i promise. "

Then, he held her little face and asked softly, " "what about you, you and ronglei?"

now that they had made up, the man's bad nature came out again. he obviously overstepped his boundaries, but he was still very worried about her and rong lei.

However, he didn't dare to be too overbearing because this was Qin Chen, not any other woman.

"We did kiss," Qin Chen replied honestly.

"kissed?" he glared at her.

"Is it strange to kiss? you've done it with someone else!" Qin Chen stretched out his finger and pointed at his heart. "You used to have at least three or four women, right? I've only kissed Rong Lei, and you still want to settle the score with me now?"

lan yu laughed bitterly. " i wouldn't dare! "

however, what he didn't say was that those women of his were not important, but rong da was the one she had always liked, which was different.