i want to see you (2)

she didn't deny it, because she really did like lan yu.

a real blue universe in real life.

rong lei was stunned.

"rong lei, you're suitable to be respected, but what i need is life," she murmured.

if rong lei appeared again, he would not be the high and mighty person he was when he was 20 years old, and she might not have made the same choice.

"If I can make you feel better by saying sorry, then I'm sorry," she said in a softer voice.

Rong Lei's voice became cold and hard."do you really love him that much? you're willing to use everything to exchange for it?"

"yes," qin chen lowered his eyes.

on the other side, rong lei didn't say anything more. he just breathed lightly.

it was just like when they were on the phone when they were young. when they were angry, they didn't say anything or hang up the phone. they just breathed lightly.