you still miss her, don't you? 2

lan yu didn't say anything more and just silently accompanied him.

Madam Lin's gaze fell on Lin sisi's hand.

There, a finger was missing.

This was the pain in Madam Lin's heart. She didn't know what had happened to sisi, but it must have been a very painful thing.

So it was a blessing that sisi became like this, ignorant and clueless.

Lan Yu sat there for more than half an hour before Lin sisi woke up.

when she woke up, the person she saw was not madam lin, but lan yu.

in her heart, she had already regarded lan yu as the closest person to her because when she first woke up, the first person she saw was lan yu.

Lin sisi was petite to begin with. The moment she opened her eyes and saw Lan Yu, she pounced over and hugged him in surprise.

Madam Lin was about to reprimand him, but Lan Yu didn't take it to heart and secretly motioned for her not to stop him.

In his eyes, Lin sisi was no different from a child, full of insecurity.