that's right, i'm crazy! crazy for you (3)

qin chen suddenly opened his eyes, his breath in a mess.

What happened to her just now?

why did she think of that?

Who was that man?

Would it be Rong Lei or someone else?

She refused to think that it was someone else, let alone Lan Yu ...

stepping out of the bathroom, she took a bath towel, wiped her body, put on a bathrobe, and walked into the children's room, refreshed.

ever since she stepped into the modeling industry a year ago, she began to live a life of flying. however, after she was done with fashion week, she would take little rong yue from her parents 'place and live in her apartment.

xiao rong yue was very obedient and also a little stupidly cute. he didn't seem to be picky.

qin chen thought of his son, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.