Qin Chen, let's get married (4)

lawyer xu looked at the medicine in lan yu's hand. after all, he was someone who had been through this!

She understood and felt that it was not appropriate for her to stay, so she took the documents and left.

lan yu sat down and thought about lawyer xu's words. he smiled faintly.

pity ...

Qin Chen never needed it!

he walked into the lounge and saw that qin chen was awake. he was still wearing his black shirt and was leaning against the head of the bed in a daze.

Did the expression on her face mean that Wanwan regretted it?

Qin Chen looked up, probably because he heard footsteps.

" lawyer xu came by just now. you've seen wanwan before. i got him to handle the documents you signed. " he said lightly, then sat on the edge of the bed, his eyes becoming a little deep."Lift the blanket."

qin chen glanced at him.

"unless you want to walk so that people can see how intense we were just now." Lan Yu's voice suddenly turned hoarse.

She still did not move.