i like to make things difficult for you (1)

If Jia Boyi joined forces to deal with Jun Yue, it would not be difficult. However, for a woman, father LAN felt that it was too risky.

he hoped that his son could be stable and live well.

Lan Yu understood what he meant and said in a low voice, " "Dad, I know what I'm doing,"

  father lan raised his voice slightly. " do you think i don't know that you have secretly joined forces with new York to suppress rong biology? it was all for today. "

"dad." lan yu's expression was solemn.

"you just didn't expect qin chen to come back. this is exactly what you wanted." " you should use your charm to conquer women, " father lan snorted coldly. " what's the use of threatening a woman? "

"do you think she's seen too few beautiful men?" lan yu sighed.

there were too many beautiful men in the qin family, the tang family, and the fashion industry. she was probably immune to good-looking men.