LAN Yuhe VS little rongyue (3)

President LAN and Qin Chen had just been pulling and tugging the other day, and today they made such a big one?

moreover, this guy and president lan really looked like yueyue had confirmed that they were biological children.

Lan Yu didn't think so. He only felt that Xiao rongyue and Qin Chen were very similar. On the contrary, he ignored his own appearance because he had never dared to think like this.

She carried the little guy with one hand and walked into the elevator, breaking the hearts of all the women on the floor.

This time, CEO LAN had completely settled down (he had even acknowledged someone else's son).

lan yu couldn't be bothered with those gazes and stood in the elevator with a dark face while holding the little person.

xiao rong pulled at his face,"uncle, are you unhappy?""uncle, are you happy?"

"No, I didn't," Lan Yu was expressionless.