LAN Yuhe VS little rongyue (5)

lan yu looked at that pretty little face and couldn't help but overlap with the qin chen in his memory.

Her love for Qin Chen was buried in his hatred, so she couldn't express it. Instead, she had some kind of love for his small face that could be expressed.

lan yu reached out and picked up that small hand. before he regained his consciousness, he kissed his face and said in a hoarse voice, " "Uncle apologizes to you."

xiao rong yue looked at him. his eyes turned and turned. his stomach was originally full of mischief, but he suddenly swallowed it.

This uncle seemed to like him very much.

The little girl was still in tears. I'm telling you, don't be too obsessed with me, Yingluo. Also, don't touch my P shares. I'm going to be a lawyer in the future. Be careful or I'll Sue you to death.

lan yu smiled and reached out to stroke his little head. " can i hug you? "