If you cry again, I'll eat you (1)

Lan Yu was smoking while looking at his phone.

He knew that Qin Chen would be angry, but he still brought Lin sisi back.

For the first time, he knew that besides women, men could also do it.

Outside, it suddenly rained and thundered.

Lightning appeared on the horizon, cutting through half of the sky.

Lan Yu raised his hand and looked at his watch to see if Qin Chen had reached home.

He was still worried, so he made a call.

The phone rang a few times, but no one answered. He called again, but this time it was turned off.

he knew that she had probably returned home, but she just didn't want to pick up his call.

Actually, he didn't really want to hear her voice, but Hanhan was worried.

Lan Yu pursed his lips and looked at his phone. In the end, he didn't call again.

on the other side, lin sisi also took out her phone and carefully dialed gu ze's number.

he had given her the phone number last time, but she had not called him once.