Ex-girlfriend VS current wife (1)

later, when she was taking a shower, she realized that everything here was not hotel supplies. it was indeed lan yu's private use.

When Qin Chen was brushing his teeth, he suddenly thought of something. He looked around the master bedroom, but he couldn't find a t-shirt.

"he's really cultivating his body and mind." she continued to brush her teeth and mumbled.

She didn't know why, but she felt better.

after all, even if they had no feelings for each other, she didn't want to share a husband with someone else.

Qin Chen pursed his lips and stuck his tongue out at himself in the mirror, looking a little mischievous.

she started work the next day. this time, she was going to shoot the asian cover for a famous fashion magazine. however, she did not expect to run into lu wei, let alone the two of them.

when qin chen was putting on his makeup, he heard a voice from outside.

" i won't film with qin yi, " lu wei said arrogantly. " i'm not here if she's here. "