can i call you daddy? 2

little rong yue's small mouth pursed. he didn't say anything and only hugged her a little tighter.

Lan Yu carried him to take an X-ray. There was no problem in the end. He just lost too much blood and needed a blood transfusion.

lan yu drew out 200cc of blood. when the bright red blood seeped into little rong yue's body drop by drop, little rong yue lay down and asked pitifully, " "Are you really my father?"

lan yu didn't answer him directly. instead, he reached out and touched his little face, asking in a low voice, " "are you happy?"

little rong yue's eyes were a little cautious. he turned his gaze and it fell on qin chen's face.

"mom." he called out softly.

qin chen tried his best to smile. her face was even paler than little rong yue's.

Little Rong Yue's expression became even more careful. mommy, can I call daddy? "