Why didn't you say so earlier!3

Lan Yu went over and patted her little head. I sent a message to Gu ze. He'll receive it when he's offline.

Lin sisi acknowledged, then said, " "Will he be angry?"

"I will when I'm angry! however, if you always go along with him and he won't be angry, then there will be a problem." lan yu patiently taught her as if he was teaching a child, " "He'll only be flustered and care if you leave, right?"

Lin sisi didn't really understand what he was saying, so she just looked at him in confusion.

lan yu sat down and explained it to her. after half an hour, she still didn't understand.

"you'd better go take a shower and sleep!" lan yu sighed.

she could only be controlled by gu ze for the rest of her life. unless she could remember everything and her brain could return to normal.

Lin sisi obediently acknowledged. She could feel Gu ze's disappointment and said in a small voice, " "i'll work hard. i'll definitely be able to understand it in the future."