Lin sisi regains her memory (4)

her little face was buried in his back, full of tears.

Gu ze lowered his head and looked at her fingers. His throat tightened."you have to be obedient in the future, understand?"

Little fool, who was behind him, kept crying. She asked as she cried, " "You said you would be with me forever, why Don't You Want Me anymore Yingluo?"

to gu ze, it was like a stab to his heart!

he stood there without moving, letting her cry behind him. he told himself not to be soft-hearted.

once one's heart softened, one would not be able to leave.

little fool cried for a long time and finally let go of him.

she remembered everything. she still hated him. she couldn't tell if she was acting or if she really couldn't bear to leave.

She slowly let go of him and said in a low voice, " you can go! don't worry, i won't disturb you again."

Overnight, his little fool seemed to have grown up. No, she was no longer his little fool, but ...
